There is No Secret Ingredient

The kids' movie that gifted me awareness

Amy Marley


Kung Fu Panda — There is no secret ingredient — Amy Marley
My youngest daughter —being Kung Fu Panda

What may seem obvious to one, may not be obvious to another.

You hear something. You read something. You see something.

You think you understand the meaning of it, then years later you encounter it again.

It’s the same message, maybe wrapped slightly differently, but the meaning has changed to a whole new level.

You know — those a-ha or burning messages life throws us.

The ones that seem so bloody obvious we wonder how we missed them.

These messages are everywhere.

Even in kids movies.

We just have to be willing and receptive to catch them.

Kung Fu Panda.

It’s the kid’s movie that gifted me several of these moments.


Warning Will Robinson — Spoiler alerts, spoiler alerts!

Po lives for Kung Fu.

He dreams of becoming apart of an elite Kung Fu team called The Furious Five.

He plays with their toy characters and acts out Kung Fu moves as best he can.

My take on this — Po is…

