There is Serenity in Uncertainty

Embracing the Chaos

Waleed Mahmud Tariq


Photo by Sam Dawson on Unsplash

In the early hours of dawn, the world is painted in shades of soft pastels. The sun, still hidden beneath the horizon, teases the sky with hints of what is to come. It’s a fleeting moment of tranquility, a whisper of calm before the day bursts into its full, chaotic bloom. These moments of serenity, however brief, are a contrast to the incessant tumult that defines our lives.

I often ponder upon the nature of chaos. Not just the obvious kind that exists in the cacophony of city streets or the frenetic energy of a bustling marketplace, but the subtle, insidious chaos that permeates our minds. The kind that keeps us awake at night, that fuels our anxieties and feeds our fears. It’s this internal chaos that fascinates me, because despite its destructive potential, it also holds the key to profound growth and transformation.

Understanding the Disorder

Chaos, in its essence, is a fundamental aspect of the universe. From the swirling galaxies to the microcosm of subatomic particles, disorder is rooted into the fiber of existence. It’s easy to view chaos as something negative, something to be avoided or controlled. But what if we shifted our perspective? What if, instead of resisting it, we embraced it?



Waleed Mahmud Tariq

A creative nonfiction author of transformative philosophical ideas, exploring moral and political depths through an interdisciplinary lens.