These 10 Visuals Will Teach You More Than a Book

Content Sage
Published in
7 min readNov 27, 2023

The human brain can process entire images that the eye sees for as little as 13 milliseconds.

In this article, I’ve described visuals in my words with some strategies and examples. I hope it adds value to your life.

1. The Journey To Success Is Never Straightforward

Image by Mounika

We always aspire to attain success as quickly and easily as possible. However, there are a few things to note:

  • Life never goes as planned. The journey to success is never straight we have to set a goal and start working on it.
  • When we don’t see results, we start doubting ourselves. This is the period when many people give up. But those who don’t give up learn something from it. They may face failure but know how to stand and stay strong.
  • The feeling of getting lost and the realization that success is sometimes within reach changes over time.

The struggle we endure, the plan we execute, and the mindset we maintain throughout our journey are all crucial factors influencing our path to success.

2. The Key To Success Is Not Putting others First, But Ensuring That You Prioritize Yourself Enough To Become The Best Version Of Yourself.

Image by Mounika

This illustration is a great way to understand how we need to prioritize ourselves first. Everyone wants success and is working to achieve it, but when we ignore ourselves, it will cause a pause in our path to success.

But does this mean that we have to achieve success even if someone around us is suffering from any problem, and we are still busy doing our work? Is that what this visual means? Nope!

The visuals explain to us that prioritizing oneself would involve recognizing the signs of burnout and taking steps to address personal needs. This could include:

  1. Setting Boundaries: Establish clear boundaries for work hours and personal time to prevent overexertion.
  2. Self-Care Practices: Incorporating self-care activities into the routine, such as exercise, adequate sleep, and relaxation techniques to promote physical and mental well-being.
  3. Skill Development: Allocating time for personal and professional development to enhance skills and stay competitive in the industry.
  4. Networking: Building and maintaining a supportive professional network to exchange ideas, seek advice, and create opportunities for career advancement.

In doing so, you create the strength and capacity to positively impact the world around you.

3. Don’t Let The Noise Of Other's​ Opinions Drown Out Your Own Inner Voice

Image by Mounika

This is another powerful visual explaining the importance of not allowing external opinions to overshadow the wisdom and strength that comes from listening to your own inner voice. It encourages individuality and self-trust.

But, How can we do that? Here are some strategies:

Recognize Individual Perspectives: Acknowledge everyone’s unique perspective and life experience. Trust personal instincts and make decisions based on what feels right.

Differentiate Feedback Types: Distinguish between constructive feedback and unhelpful criticism. Use constructive feedback for growth; ignore unhelpful criticism.

Cultivate Self-Awareness and Mindfulness: Practice reflection through meditation, journaling, or daily self-check-ins. Understand and connect with your own inner voice.

Practice Self-Compassion: Accept self-doubt and uncertainty as natural in decision-making. Allow room for mistakes and course correction with kindness and understanding.

4. Old Keys Don’t Open New Doors

Image by Mounika

As you know, the world is changing rapidly, and if you’re not willing to learn, no one can help you. If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got.

If you want to acquire new keys, you have to develop new skills and make yourself more effective.

5. Self Love Is Not Selfish, You Cannot Truly Love Another Until You Know How To Love Yourself.

Image by Mounika

Self-love means treating yourself with kindness, accepting who you are (flaws and all), and taking care of your well-being.

It’s about appreciating your strengths, acknowledging your accomplishments, and giving yourself the same love and understanding that you would give to someone you care about.

Self-love involves setting healthy boundaries, practicing self-care, and recognizing your own value and worth. It’s about building a positive and supportive relationship with yourself.

6. Your Calm Mind Is The Ultimate Weapon Against Your Challenges.

Image by Mounika

Even when everything around you is busy and chaotic, keeping yourself calm inside is strong and helpful. It means having a peaceful mind can make you strong and steady. It helps you deal with problems more clearly and calmly.

Maintaining a calm mindset in challenging situations can be achieved through various practices. Here are some simple ways to cultivate inner calmness:

  1. Deep Breathing: Take slow, deep breaths. Focus on your breath going in and out. This can help slow down your heart rate and relax your body.
  2. Mindfulness and Meditation: Practice mindfulness by paying attention to the present moment without judgment. Meditation, even for a few minutes a day, can promote inner calmness.
  3. Positive Affirmations: Replace negative thoughts with positive affirmations. Remind yourself of your strengths and capabilities.
  4. Take Breaks: When things get overwhelming, step away for a few minutes. Take a short walk, stretch, or do something enjoyable to reset your mind.
  5. Prioritize Self-Care: Ensure you’re getting enough rest, eating well, and engaging in activities that bring you joy. Taking care of your physical health contributes to mental well-being.

In doing so, you create the strength and capacity to positively impact the world around you.

7. Life’s Journey Is a Canvas, And With Each Experience, You Paint a New Stroke of Wisdom And Resilience.

Image by Mounika

The experiences we go through, whether positive or challenging, contribute to the painting that represents our journey.

We are constantly growing, changing, and becoming a more complex and refined version of ourselves.

8. Success Is a Journey of Hard Work and Consistency, But Don’t Overlook the Power of Rest.

Image by Mounika

The message is about maintaining a balance between hard work and consistency in your efforts and acknowledging the importance of rest to rejuvenate yourself.

This approach contributes to long-term success and prevents burnout, ultimately leading to a more sustainable and fulfilling journey toward your goals.

Imagine you’re a student getting ready for a major test. You study a lot, go to classes, and work really hard to understand tough stuff.

But let’s say you’ve been studying without stopping for weeks. Now, you’re tired and can’t concentrate as well. It’s important to realize you need a break. Instead of going non-stop, it’s good to take short breaks.

Give your brain some time to relax. It helps you focus better and keeps you from feeling too worn out.

9. Don’t Compare Yourself to Others. Compare Yourself to The Person You Were Yesterday and Celebrate The Progress You’ve Made.

Image by Mounika

Imagine you are on a journey to lead a healthier life. If you are constantly measuring yourself against friends or celebrities with seemingly flawless fitness routines, you might find yourself feeling disheartened and lacking motivation.

However, by embracing the principle of comparing yourself to who you were yesterday, you focus on your personal progress.

For example, if yesterday you managed to take a short walk and make a small improvement in your diet, take a moment to celebrate these achievements. Over time, these modest steps add up, contributing to significant enhancements in your overall health and well-being.

In contrast to the potentially overwhelming feeling of comparing to external standards, evaluating progress against your past self offers a more manageable and positive perspective.

This approach allows you to acknowledge and appreciate gradual progress, cultivating a sustainable and healthier attitude toward your fitness goals.

10. Navigating Life With Self-Compassion Rather Than Setting Daily High Standards For Yourself

Image by Mounika

Imagine you have a demanding job, and you often expect perfection in everything you do, setting really high daily standards. This self-imposed pressure can make you feel stressed, anxious, and like you’re constantly falling short.

Now, picture yourself being kind to yourself. If something goes wrong at work, instead of being hard on yourself, try recognizing how tough the situation is. Understand that everyone makes mistakes, and see it as a chance for you to learn and grow.

In this situation, you can still have goals, but approach them with a realistic and understanding mindset. If you can’t do everything in a day, it’s okay. Reassure yourself that you can try again tomorrow.

Final words

In this article, I have tried to explain all the visuals in my own words. I hope you like it. All these visuals were created by Mounika. Be sure to follow her on Twitter.

If you have any additional suggestions or experiences, please feel free to share them in the comment section.

After all, we are here to learn and grow together!

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Thank you!



Content Sage

I am a content writer specializing in life stories, self-awareness, self-development, earnings, psychology, happy living, yoga, love and technology sometimes.