These 5 Things Help You Identify Positive People

You would want to have these people in your life — learn to spot them!

Ramya Arora
4 min readMay 3, 2023


Photo by Abstral Official on Unsplash

You know how parents always send their kid to school saying make ‘good’ friends.

What does ‘good’ mean?

They want you to stay close to people who are ‘good for you’.

You tell me, how would you feel around someone who is constantly:

  • Criticising other people
  • Cribbing about life in general
  • Focusing on the problem than the solution
  • Not believing that good things can ever happen to them

Doesn’t it feel like someone is drinking up all your energy from the top of your head with a straw?

This is what being around a negative person feels like.

I’m not saying that all positive people are good and all negative people are evil.

But both positivity and negativity are contagious.

“People inspire you, or they drain you — pick them wisely.” Hans F. Hansen

So, let’s help you spot positive people. Trust me; it’s like looking for treasure because positivity is a hard trait to acquire and even harder to nurture.

#1 Positive People Are Happy People

Pay close attention — they are the ones with the cutest smile because it’s real, it’s genuine.

Positive people have the superpower of finding happiness in everything they do.

They know that life happens. But they’ve learnt to manage stress through positive thinking, making them more joyful.

Now don’t think this comes naturally to them. Anything good in life is a labour of hard work.

Staying true to the following two life theories (that sound like my daily breakfast) helps them keep their calm and be happy:

  • Sunny side up theory — They focus on the bright side of every life situation and make the best out of it.
  • The burnt toast theory —They believe that everything happens for a reason and thus always look for the hidden good.

Also, don’t be shocked if lyrics to their favourite song go like this:

“In every life, we have some trouble

But when you worry, you make it double

Don’t worry, be happy.” — Song by Bobby McFerrin

#2 They Glow

You know right, your skin has its own mood.

Have you seen or heard of anybody glowing when they are in love?

Simply put, when you are happy, the body releases happy hormones, lowering the production of stress hormones. This shows on the skin.

It’s all about love; for positive people, it’s self-love over any love.

“If you want to be happy, be.” — Leo Tolstoy

These people have understood and experienced that happiness is all within; it’s what’s in the mind.

Be it working out, eating clean, sleeping well, going out with friends, reading, etc. — They know what makes them happy, and they do more of those things.

Hence the glow.

#3 They’ll Use the Words “Thank You” Generously

They won’t just say, “I am grateful for my husband” instead, they’ll get into the details:

“I am grateful for my loving husband for knowing when I need a hug the most and for always making me scrumptious dinner after I’ve had a long and tiring day.”

Positive people always practice gratitude with all their heart, not just for the sake of it.

What is it about practising gratitude, after all — let’s find out.

When you’re grateful for everything and everyone in your life, you’ve already trained your brain to count your blessings.

The more you focus on the good in life, the happier you feel because who wouldn’t be happy knowing they are blessed!

The theory is simple, the more you remind yourself of the good stuff in life, the easier it gets to not crib about what’s missing or not right.

“When you focus on the good, the good gets better.” — Abraham Hicks.

#4 Positive People Always Mind Their Own Business

Let’s be honest. We prefer being around people who aren’t nosy, and it’s because we trust these people.

Positive people come without any drama — they mind their own business.

As a result, you won’t find them judging, blaming, or trying to fix you.

Unless you are a saint, it’s hard to let go of judgement, indulge in gossip, etc. So how do these people do it?

Self-awareness is their magic potion, folks.

Self-awareness is the ability to focus on one’s own self.

Being self-aware helps these people to course-correct whenever they find themselves going wrong.

This practice stops them from overstepping in others’ lives.

#5 Their Willpower Is Unshakeable

Being happy and positive activates willpower.

You’d ask, “How does that happen?”

To answer this, we’ll have to go into the definition of willpower. The Oxford Dictionary defines willpower as follows:

“The ability to control your thoughts and actions to achieve what you want to do.”

In other words, willpower is all about what you tell yourself.

It doesn’t matter what anybody else thinks, but if you believe you can do it, then you can.

Being positive, one has mastered the art of positive self-talk, which reinforces self-belief, and that leads to enhanced willpower.

Such people are not afraid to face their fears. They are well aware of them, but don’t let that stop them.

Willpower is what fuels their stamina.

Summing It All Up

I know I’ve already used the word positive like a hundred times above.

But, let’s use it precisely one more time (I promise) to summarise how important it is to keep these people close.

With positive people around, you’d

  • Be happy
  • Glow inside out
  • Feel blessed to exist
  • Learn to focus on yourself and not on others
  • Be inspired to do or be anything you believe you can do or be

You are your company. Surround yourself with the right people to live a happier and better life.



Ramya Arora

Through my writing, I aim to do one or more of the following for you (1) Pass on what I've learned from life so far, (2) Get you thinking, (3) Make you smile.