GEO Location

Reasons To Improve GEO Location Targeting!

GEO Location Targeting Has Many Benefits Including Sales!

Deon Christie
Published in
6 min readNov 10, 2023


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These Are The 4 Reasons Why You Must Improve Your GEO Location Targeting
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What you will learn from this Medium article.

4 Reasons to improve GEO location targeting introduction.

GEO location targeting helps with establishing affordability.

Increased response rates and sales with GEO location timing.

Conclusion of 4 reasons to improve GEO location targeting.

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4 Reasons to improve GEO location targeting introduction.

Among other GEO location targeting benefits, with this article, we will take a look at the 4 reasons to improve your GEO location targeting. When you are targeting a topic and interest targeted audience, you also want to focus on the GEO location. From a marketing point of view, these 4 reasons to improve GEO location targeting will boost sales.

With high-ticket affiliate marketing (Paying $100 Commissions And Above) for instance, targeting top tier counties is paramount. It establishes affordability. They are the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, Germany, and the Netherlands. That is why you want to improve GEO location targeting.

1 — Establishing Affordability.

2 — Increased Response Rates.

3 — Improved Sales Opportunity.

4 — Increased Visibility With Timing.

Among the benefits of these 4 reasons to improve GEO location targeting is also the timing factor. Reaching the right audience, at the right time, with the right solution is a sure way to boost your sales. GEO location targeting determines all this. GEO location targeting ensures all 3 crucial aspects of generating sales online are implemented.

Reaching An Interested Audience.

Increasing Exposure With Timing.

Sales With The Right Solution.

With GEO location targeting, calculate the time difference between where you are, and where your target audience is. For example, we are in South Africa and are targeting a US audience which is “Standard Pacific Time” with a time difference of +9 hours. Meaning, we have to subtract 9 hours from the time where we are. But we will get to all that.

Generating sales online involves a lot more than just GEO location targeting though, but it is among the most important. Along with keywords, search phrases, and interest targeting. But we have already written several articles explaining that, like the one below. You might want to read it to get a better understanding.

GEO location targeting helps with establishing affordability.

Establishing your target audience’s affordability is important because it helps with product selection. Among the benefits of these 4 reasons to improve GEO location targeting is establishing affordability. When focusing on high-ticket affiliate marketing for example. Then targeting top tier GEO location countries is advised.

High-ticket affiliate marketing means products that pay commissions from $100 to $200 and upwards. Often these products will sell for around $1000 for example, so targeting “South Africa” with a $1000 sale might not be such a good idea. Why? Because that is more than double what the average person earns per month!

However, should you decide to offer something selling at $20, then you might be “in luck”. Affordability plays a very important role in boosting online sales. Know your audience's needs, but also know their possible financial limitations. This all comes together as part of these 4 reasons to improve GEO location targeting and boost sales.

Increased response rates and sales with GEO location timing.

As mentioned a moment ago, we are in South Africa but are targeting a United States audience. This means that our GEO location “timing” is “Standard Pacific Time” and that makes a 9+ hours’ time difference. That means subtracting 9 hours from where we are, and in doing that it will boost both exposure and response.

If we want to reach our target audience based on GEO location targeting and timing from 10 PM to 11 PM. Then our optimized engagement time to post, share, publish, and interact will be 07 AM to 08 AM on our side. “Note the publishing time of this Medium article”, around 07 AM to 8 AM on our side. Timing is of paramount importance!

With GEO location targeting you must establish when your target audience is more likely to be most active. This is done by posting, sharing, publishing, and interacting at different times. Then check your analytics and determine when your target audience is most active. That is how you boost visibility with GEO location targeting and timing.

Conclusion of 4 reasons to improve GEO location targeting.

Below are listed the 4 reasons to improve GEO location targeting and improving several results. Like improving response quality and volume, along with a tremendous visibility boost. With SEO especially, GEO location targeting contributes to faster ranking. Leading to more response, telling search engines, “This is what your customers are looking for!”.

1 — Establishing Affordability.

2 — Increased Response Rates.

3 — Improved Sales Opportunity.

4 — Increased Visibility With Timing.

Increased response rates also build trust and recognition, apart from boosting sales. These 4 reasons to improve GEO location targeting might seem like a lot of work. But not really so much so, you might however, have to start getting up in the AM hours to reach your ideal target audience with GEO location targeting.

If you found this Medium story helpful, kindly let us know in the comments. We would love to hear your opinion. Did you know about these 4 Reasons to improve GEO location targeting? Do you struggle with driving traffic, generating sales, creating content, or writing? Are you already familiar with GEO location audience targeting?

If you need help with anything, we speak “Medium” and “Writing” rather fluently, so feel free to reach out any time. With that, our “4 Reasons To Improve GEO Location Targeting!” story on Medium is concluded. Now you know the importance of improving your GEO location targeting as outlined by the 4 reasons mentioned in this article!

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Deon Christie

Article Writing SEO For Affiliate Marketing | Free Buyer Traffic Methods. On Medium Since October 2022. Online Since 2011.