These Are The Real Reasons Why People Take You For Granted

And what you can do to stop it …

Yewande Ade


Photo: Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels

Relationships are an essential part of life, but people make things complicated.

One of the greatest lessons adulthood has taught me is how to speak up for myself, no matter what. Through this, I have experienced a lot of personal growth, self-development and emotional maturity. It has also helped me relate better with people.

It wasn’t always so easy, but it has shown me the importance of self-worth, self-confidence and everything else that comes with it.

Whether with friends, family, colleagues, acquaintances, strangers and in our daily dealings with one another, no one likes to be taken for granted. However, our good deeds and generous acts may sometimes push us to a point where our importance begins to diminish because we are too tolerant and nice.

This is where it becomes crucial to know how to handle those who treat us less than we deserve.

Undeniably, relationships are important, we can’t run away from them. Sometimes, we adjust to situations because we simply want to go with the flow.

Most people don’t even realize that they are being taken for granted till it’s too late.

“You teach people how to…

