These Words of Nelson Mandela Will Transform Your View of Success

Wherever, whenever and whatever you come across.

Khalil Gdoura


Artwork by Samantha Messias

How many times have you been congratulated and acknowledged for what you are, or rather for what you achieved ? Most of our lives are made of numbers which decide about our worth and value at every stage of our journeys.

We grow up conditioned to marks and all kinds of assessments following us, and shaping our identities from the school to the university, before we land in the labor market ruled by a bunch of more numbers and tests.

Shall you jump into your own entrepreneurial adventure ? Welcome Stats!And if you run an online based business, analytics are to be watched, every day. Sometimes they amuse you, sometimes they hurt. Are you preparing your pitch to leverage your startup ? Insights will matter, too.

Let’s take a break and pick a book, watch a movie, a series or a sports competition you cherish.. Again, scores, reviews and performances will pop up and would influence your perception.

What we miss..

Being surrounded by insights telling success-stories, we end up focusing too much on the wins achieved by us and by our loved ones, while shaming or ignoring the failures ornamenting our journey to thrive. However…



Khalil Gdoura

Creative Entrepreneur / Habit Coach / I reflect on my journey, in the continual pursuit of Energy, Innovation and Productivity /