The Tragedy of the Social Security Disability Program

Can we fix this dehumanizing and wasteful disability benefits system?

Allison Bishins


While editing the recent book, Social Security Disability Revealed: Why it’s so hard to access benefits and what you can do about it, I did some background research on the efficacy of the program, so I understood the topic I was working on. I was surprised (perhaps naively so) to learn the racist roots of the overall Social Security program, and that people of color are less likely to have access to Social Security disability insurance. And I was dismayed — but not surprised — to learn that over 1% of applicants die while waiting for a Social Security Disability decision. One percent may not sound like a lot, depending on your perspective, but it represents over 110,000 people in the U.S. over a 10 year period. Why do we tolerate a system that seems designed to demoralize, dehumanize, and exhaust people who are in distress, unable to make ends meet, and struggling to take care of their health?

Stacks of paper sit on a desk in fluorescent-lighted office
Photo by Wesley Tingey on Unsplash

U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders recently raised the issue of people dying while waiting for disability benefits, and the need to tax the wealthy to protect Social Security funds. I’m very glad it’s getting a little more press. But each of these news stories — and the politicians themselves— are missing the point. How could this…



Allison Bishins

I am a teacher and consultant helping businesses connect with community. Eclectic background in urban planning, marketing, non-profits + environmental policy.