They Just Hate Women

Jessica Lynn
Published in
4 min readMay 6, 2022


Shutterstock: Rob Crandall

Republicans hate women, don’t respect us, or think we are worth less than men based on sex. All three, it seems.

Now it is in writing. Soon to become law.

Justice Samuel Alito wrote it down in a draft majority opinion draft leaked to Politico last week. Republicans are trying to make the leak the story and not the actual obliteration of a woman’s right to govern her own body.

Tucker Carlson’s (Fox “News” fame) take on the leak was, “people will get hurt.” Yes, Tucker, people will get hurt, but it won’t be the five justices taking away our rights.

Women will be hurt.

Women will no longer have the right to health care or autonomy over their lives.

Women will be harmed, in many ways, both psychologically and emotionally, but in the interest of time, let’s just talk about physically. Women will die. Because if history tells us anything, we, women, will continue to get abortions. Whether they are legal or not.

Wealthy women will fly to some blue state where abortion is still legal for themselves or their daughters. Once again, leaving abortion for the privileged few. If Republicans get what they want and succeed in a nationwide abortion ban, wealthy women will fly out of the country.



Jessica Lynn

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