They Say the Shortest Distance Between Two Points Is a Straight Line

But that’s not how I got where I am. A writer’s biography.

Kim Funk


Selfie of the Author — by the Author (also I shaved my head during quarantine).

As the daughter of a professional advertising copywriter, I spent my childhood immersed in the writing culture. And I was lucky enough to have my own personal copy editor look over my school papers before I turned them in. It may seem that writing was a natural career choice.

I assure you, It was not.

When you’re thirteen, and your mom (read copy editor) hands you a social studies essay you’ve worked really hard on back with more red marks than you’ve ever seen in your life, you start thinking about other career choices.

I decided to be an opera singer instead. I was terrible at math. And I figured that a singing career wouldn’t involve much writing. Plus, I was good at it. No one else in my family could do it. And my mom couldn’t mark my arias up with a red pen.

Throughout high school, I focused on singing and avoided the red pen at all costs.

Then college came and I started getting really good marks on my papers. Apparently, I learned a thing or two from the red pen that I hated so much.

I graduated from the University of Minnesota with a Bachelor of Arts in Communications.



Kim Funk

A hockey mom who writes about hockey, writing, and life lessons with a dash of humor. Learn more at