They Stole My Youtube Content

And got away with it….

Raphaël Reiter


Pirate flag by _Tempus_ via

Yesterday I received a message on Insta from one of my followers, letting me know that a channel on youtube has been re-posting meditations from my Youtube channel, changing the sound of my voice, and taking credit for them.

As you can imagine, that got me quite upset. So I went to the link she sent, and there they were — dozens of my meditations with some weird voice modulator. The guy had thousands of subscribers by stealing hundreds of meditation videos from youtube… He was making money from them and getting away with it!

I immediately contacted youtube, and they were pretty fast in removing the videos I had claimed under my copyright.

I was happy that youtube was so fast in removing the videos. However, I felt that the consequences to that channel were underwhelming. This person was not only stealing videos from hard-working content creators; he was making money — he set up affiliate links, merch shops, and of course, the ads from thousands of views.

I didn’t see a cent from the money he made with ads on my videos. And worst of all, his channel is still there, with hundreds of videos he stole from other meditators.

Youtube needs to do a better job in banishing channels that act in such a way, but apparently, they do not. God…



Raphaël Reiter

Continuously learning about life. Passionate about philosophy. Certified life coach and meditation teacher.