They’re Back and They’re Still Unexplained: The Mysterious Monoliths

It’s reminiscent of four years ago. Strange monoliths are popping up and causing a stir. What’s the meaning behind them, and who’s responsible?

Jason Morton


Arocinema, CC BY-SA 4.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons

Gass Peak, Las Vegas, Nevada

Law Enforcement’s recent discovery of a monolith has the world buzzing. This past weekend, authorities discovered one of the oddities shimmering in the hills above the city. A search and rescue team found the structure near Gass Peak within the Nevada Desert National Wildlife Refuge.

It wasn’t the first such find in recent years. In a remote area of Utah, barely accessible without a helicopter, authorities discovered another 12-foot-tall metal monolith in November 2020. Since then, similar events have been reported in Romania, California, and downtown Las Vegas.

The current mystery includes a ten-foot-tall monolith on a hill in Wales, found by a jogger and shared online. Craig Muir claims to hike into the area frequently, which is described as a muddy bluff. His claims that the March discovery included no footprints or tire tracks to attribute the thing being there raise the speculation on how it got there and what they mean.



Jason Morton

Currently, I'm a telecom tech, a grandfather, and fighting cancer. I enjoy writing and sharing opinions. I stumbled into some knowledge along my journey.