Things 3 Vs Todoist – Comparison from a personal productivity enthusiast.

Can we really conclude on one this time? Let’s try together.

The App Advocate


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I have been thinking about writing this article for a long time, I could not understand the reason. But once I started putting up my thoughts together I understood it. While working on this article, I am getting a clear and better understanding of my own requirement from the Task Manager and hopefully, I choose one, wisely.

Before we enter into the comparison, let us first set the rules of the game:

  1. This comparison will be based on my personal use, requirements, and experience.
  2. We will only cover the core feature sets of task management not going deep into all the specific features of both Apps.
  3. This comparison will focus on Mobile devices and their usability only.

With the stage set, let’s define the 4 core feature set required for Task Manager:

  1. UI and The Task Input
  2. Task Management
  3. Project Management
  4. Prices and Platforms

UI and The Task Input:




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