Things My French Husband Loves About The U.S.
When my French husband first arrived in the U.S. to visit my family, he didn’t expect to experience so many culture shocks. He thought there would be a certain similarity between American and French culture. Only when he arrived did he realize this assumption was utterly wrong. Despite all his culture shocks, he loves American life. In this article, I’ll present what he loves about the U.S.
The food
My husband is someone who is very passionate about cooking and loves discovering new dishes. You could even say that he is very typically French in this way! The first time we explored the U.S., he stared out the car window like a child gazing at every fast-food restaurant he saw. His fascination with drive-throughs lasted the whole trip.
Of all his choices from the window, he pointed out he wanted to try Dunkin Donuts the most. Since then, Dunkin Donuts munchkins have become his favorite American fast food item. As I’m not the biggest donut fan, I was surprised to see my husband so enthusiastic about a totally different kind of food than what he normally likes.