Things we can learn from children

How we can improve our lives by doing things that children do.

Prasad Rajguru
3 min readAug 15, 2020


As responsible adults, we always try teaching good things to children around us. Hence we impart them with knowledge about almost anything known to us, including our customs and traditions. But have we ever stopped and thought for a moment — can we learn something from them?

Photo by Larm Rmah on Unsplash

I am not a parent yet; however, I have the experience of parenting thanks to spending time with my 3-year-old nephew. He acts cute and innocent but can be naughty at times. It’s always a pleasure to spend time with him as he makes me forget all the problems in my life.

It made me wonder how small things like this can make a difference in my life. Hence I am listing down life lessons that we as adults can learn from children and apply in our lives.

Happiness lies in small things -

My nephew is spoiled and can be demanding. He always asks for toy cars, chocolates, biscuits, etc. But he doesn’t care about the monetary value of things. He will be happy about getting a new cheap and small car despite him having many other expensive ones at home — including a car which he drives. He gets thrilled and excited whenever I play basketball with him. He isn’t even able to play yet is immensely happy to just run around me.

I can’t remember the last time when I was as excited as him.

This leaves me with a few questions in my mind.

Can we get excited about small things?

Can we be satisfied by buying cheap things instead of splurging on luxury items?

Can we be happy with seemingly trivial things such as — running around?

I believe that the answer is Yes.

We, as adults, are prisoners of high demands.

Like the famous quote from the movie ‘Fight Club’ says

Advertising has us chasing cars and clothes, working jobs we hate so we can buy shit we don’t need.

Hold no grudges -

My nephew can be naughty at times. He can do things such as kicking people or throwing away things. At times we shout at him for bad behavior following which he goes into a crying mode. However, after a few minutes, he forgets everything and starts playing with us again. He laughs and acts as if nothing had happened. He never holds any grudges against anyone.

As adults, it can be difficult to implement this thing. People can do a great deal of harm to you for which you could never forgive them. Moving on and getting rid of emotional baggage can help you get some peace in your life.

Resentment keeps your mind burning and doesn’t let you live happily ever.

Be creative with imaginations -

Recently my sister and nephew came over. He chose a spot and made it his play area. He used some pillows to make an imaginary car and took me for a drive in it. He said that we are going to the office. He kept on driving me to various destinations in his car. I acted along and kept adding to this imaginary play.

We lose all our imagination during our growing years and eventually become a part of the system.

The system where we work hard during the week to sleep on weekends. The system where we become slaves to survive the rest of our lives.

As children, we all had our fair share of imagination. I am sure that the readers must have done things such as — built pillow forts, played with dolls, or role-play acting along with friends and family. Some people — as adults — still do role-plays with their partners to spice up their lives.

People working in mundane jobs and having boring lives can use a bit of imagination to keep their lives interesting.

We can’t control the circumstances and people around us, but we can control our thoughts. We can make a difference in our lives with small changes.

