Thinking of Quitting your Job?

The trials and tribulations of unemployment.

Tamara Naidoo


Photo by Aravind Kumar on Unsplash

I took a leap of faith. I left my burgeoning career for the adventure of a lifetime studying abroad. Open to the goodness of the world, I was ready for wherever the road would take me. Few of us, however, calculated a pandemic into our life plans, nor the prospect of long-term unemployment. I turned to a bit of philosophy in the most destabilizing time of my life to share some ideas on how you can make sense of your place in the world too.

The pandemic hit and jobs shrivelled up. Unemployment, a state that was supposed to be an intermittent phase, became my life. With ample time alone and the job search unending, I was forced to reconsider my purpose. If I’m not on the job, what wakes me up in the morning? What is it that can satisfy me every day?

The Philosophy of my Gilded Cage

Growing increasingly frustrated and with days available to overthink, I sought out the help of the Greats to make sense of my place in a world that seemed to have rejected me. Albert Camus offers poignant advice, eloquently expressing the source of my distress, as my rational mind slowly came to grips with the lack of control I have over this absurd life.

Having dedicated the majority of my adult life to my career so…



Tamara Naidoo

Global-Scale Thinker, an everyday girl in international relations