Thirsty Thyrsus

A postmodern dithyramb

Obsidian Eagle
Published in
2 min readMay 20, 2021


Dionysus bearing the Thyrsus staff.
Image Courtesy of SubPNG

The Western world is well acquainted with Dionysus, the Greek god of revelry, sexual ecstasy, and wine. Though there are of course several rites and symbols associated with that deity’s cult that are probably only familiar to scholars of classical studies and then again to those initiated into his mysteries. Today we’ll delve a bit deeper into a duo of these. The first is the dithyramb, which…



Obsidian Eagle

Anti-Poet (alike Nicanor Parra) Author of the Lunacy Trilogy. Extreme Linguaphile. Toltec Scribe; Herald of Quetzalcoatl | Visit Œ's Ærie: