This Ancient Breathing Technique Will Make You Fall Asleep Instantly

Wave goodbye to insomnia!

Tristan Tell


Sleeping cat
Pixabay via Pexels

Sleeping is easy. Falling asleep, however, is hard.

After opening the window for the 315th time, I rolled over for the 2,537th time. I had tried everything: letting in fresh air, drinking Camille tea, doing jumping jacks, and light reading. Nothing helped. Sleep still didn’t want to come.

Do you recognize this? Studies find that up to 60% of adults experience insomnia during their lifetime.

That is a real problem because sleep is crucial to your health. It improves your mood, heart function, blood sugar levels, mental capability, immune system, and emotional state.

Yet, many of us struggle with it. I’m sure you know there’s a lot you can do to impove your sleep. For example, a fixed sleep schedule, avoiding blue light 1–2 hours before bedtime, and cooling down your room.

Yet, there are those night when none of it helps.

Those nights drive you crazy. You were doing everything right, but it is still not working! And now you’re also checking the clock every 5 minutes to calculate how little sleep time you’ve left. I know all of that too well.

