This Human Tech will Transform Your Life

Healing Collective Wounds for Global Transformation

Lucien Lecarme


Photo by Kylie Lugo on Unsplash

Are you that Game Changer, Deep Thinker or System Changer?

Do you feel the call for personal and social transformation?

Do you think something fundamentally new can be born from our outdated systems that are slowly becoming stuck? Did you do your shadow work too?

And you still can’t get there from here?

Don’t worry, you’re not alone. What might be missing in your repertoire of the modern magician or wounded healer is the circle. The use of the collective free tool that is called Circle Wisdom, as old as humanity, to help boost our collective rebirth.

This is how circle wisdom, a free human tech, is crucial for your transformation and how it will boost our collective paradigm shift.

Infinite game versus zero-sum games

Did you already figure out your role in humanity’s greatest transition in millions of years?

For me, this is meeting each other in groups, circles and communities. All to contribute to the ‘Infinite Game’; a world based on the idea that it is more important that everyone can play indefinitely than to win. The latter is called a zero-sum game and we’re…



Lucien Lecarme

For more truth bombs and weekly medicine to start living a more meaningful life, join the happy family back at my Substack