This Idea-Capturing Process Will Make Your Writing Faster

Achieve More in Less Time!

3 min read4 days ago


Photo by AbsolutVision on Unsplash

Capturing ideas is the most creative and important process in any content creation. Especially in writing.

So, Your creativity will slow down, if you spend so much time on setting up things, to capture ideas.

To avoid this, I’ve automated the way I capture ideas. In this post, I’ll share how I did it and how you can too with a single click.

So, you can neglect repetitive tasks from your writing such as:

  • Adding quotes
  • Making headlines
  • Setting up to-do checkboxes
  • Creating bullet points or numbered items, etc.

Let me bring it.

I spend 5 to 10 minutes daily to bring new ideas to my content writing. But now I automated and improved my speed.

I use notion as my database for capturing ideas.

Before Automation

Each time when I wanted to capture ideas, I had to:

  • Type the date
  • Set a headline
  • Make bullet points
  • Create check-boxes
  • etc.

After Automation

  • A single click → All of the above is done in one go. It’ll look like this.
Screenshot 1 added by author Sathishiam

Just type on “10 Ideas” button. The below tasks will be done in single click.

Screenshot 3 added by author Sathishiam

Cool, right? You can do like this for a whole month, even a year too. I’ve created for daily. Like below.

Screenshot 2 added by author Sathishiam

Each arrow mark is seperate task when you do manually. Now, no need.

Screenshot 4 added by author Sathishiam

With this simple automation,

  1. Now I don’t have to spend my time and energy on boring, repetitive tasks each time.
  2. I 10X My idea-capturing process.
  3. Right after capturing my ideas, I can move on to my writing process quickly.

How to Do?

To do this type:

  1. “ / ” in your notion (mobile/web) app.
  2. Now type the button and click on the option you got.
  3. Now you would’ve get “+ Add action” below. click on it.
  4. There you go. Configure, how you want to create templates like mine “10 ideas” template.
Screenshot 5 added by author Sathishiam

I hope this save you a lot of time.😊

What app do you use to capture your ideas? Let me know in the comments.

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Enjoy reading! Greatness awaits! Thanks for all of your support! Have fun, and keep writing.




Experimenting what I'm learning from others & sharing the results. Writing about productivity, self-development, books, side-hustling, digital marketing.