This Is How A Diary Helped Me Develop Better Emotional Intelligence (Newsletter)

Published in
2 min readFeb 21, 2021


Photo courtesy of Roiandroi on Freepik

Emotional intelligence is something that nowadays sounds like a superpower, like a superhuman ability. I imagine a character with a cape with a name like EmotionsMan standing next to Captain America and Iron Man in the Avengers, the superhero capable of controlling and understanding his emotions. Coming soon in theaters.

Now seriously, emotional intelligence is very important to stable mental health, and we sometimes underestimate it. Sometimes it may seem like the obvious, “I have emotions and I’m not dumb, therefore I have emotional intelligence, duh!” I’m sorry to be the one to tell you, but having emotions is not the same as being able to identify and understand them in their entirety, so no, just being aware of feelings is enough.

I’ve even seen courses on the internet to develop emotional intelligence, and although I can’t really talk about any since I haven’t taken them, I don’t know how effective they can be. But what I can do is tell you about some advice a therapist gave me once, and how it has worked for me so far. It’s as easy as writing something every day in a notebook. Like a diary? *DING DING DING DING* Exactly like a diary.

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Mindsmatter is written by Bola Kwame, Jack Graves and Emma Buryd. De-stigmatizing mental illness one day at a time. Our socials: