This Is How I Use AI To Write Content Online

Gigi Creates
Published in
3 min readDec 23, 2022
Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash

AI has really exploded over the past year or so.

ChatGPT reached one million users in just 5 days and other AI tools are thriving as more people are adopting tools to make their business life easier.

I’m not any different.

I’ve been using AI tools like Jasper AI and Copy AI for months. I even signed up for ChatGPT and tested it out. I was super impressed.

Here’s exactly how I use AI to write content…

Using AI tools to write content online

First, you want to think about the anatomy of an article.

Break it down…

  • Your headline
  • Article sections (subheadings)
  • Intro
  • Body
  • Conclusion
  • Meta description

I haven’t mastered using AI for each part, yet.

I mainly use AI tools for the article’s intro, body, and conclusion, along with writing an SEO-rich meta description.

Here’s my process…

SEO Research

I kick things off with doing SEO research to find a keyword I want to rank for.

The tools I use for SEO research are Ahrefs and SEMRush.

After finding a low-competition, high-volume keyword, I’ll think about an angle for my article and then feed that keyword into my AI writer.

Writing the blog post

With Article Forge, which is an AI writer I tried last week, they specialize in SEO-optimized blog posts, which makes ranking for keywords on Google, even easier!

In about a minute, I get a full blog post using Copy AI’s Blog Post Wizard, for example, and then I load that draft into WordPress for my blog.

Proofreading and writing the meta description

Next comes proofreading, some rewriting, and editing to get my polished article.

When I’m done, I’ll use ChatGPT to write a meta description, which I tweak a tiny bit, then add that to WordPress.

Headline it an wrap up the article

Finally, I title my article with a catchy headline, add an image, add my links and calls-to-action in my post and then, schedule it for publication!


I’m obsessed with AI tools. I use them to help me write faster and save time.

With the help of AI, I’m writing up to 20,000 words a week and it’s helping me churn out so much content!

My blog has already grown by over 100% in the past few months and I expect even more growth once these new articles rank!

To recap, here are the AI tools I have used/currently use to help me write content online:

My goal is to have my blog earn me a considerable amount of passive income each month.

I listen to podcasts and watch YouTube videos and other social media where seasoned bloggers are making a killing online simply by writing on their blog.

Some earn tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands per month, in just 10 or 20 hours a month, working on their blog.

That’s a dream I’ve always had for myself and I’m hoping these tools will help me reach that goal faster.

What do you think about AI writing tools?

What are favorites that you use?

Note: Affiliate links are in this article.



Gigi Creates

6+ Year Blogger. Finance Enthusiast. Lover of Coffee and Getting into Reading Books This Year.