Self Improvement

This Is How I Wake Up Everyday On Time Without Alarm

Three tips to abandon your alarm clock and wake up naturally on time

Ibrahim K
Published in
3 min readFeb 4, 2021


Often, I notice people set several alarm alerts to wake up. While many of them wake everyone else in the room except themselves.

I’m lucky for not being from these people. I wake up almost every day at the same time I decide without an alarm. This is one of the good things I like about my lifestyle. I never needed an alarm to wake up unless it is an important event that I want to make sure I won’t miss.

So here is the question: why it’s natural for some people to get up on time without the need for a helping tool, while others need it and may still struggle to wake up on time?

Here are the things that helped me most to sleep and wake up on time without the need for an alarm clock:

Estimate How Much Time You Need to Sleep

Adjust the time you get up according to the interval of hours you sleep. If you sleep about 7–8 hours and your aim is to get up at 6 am, then sleeping at 10 pm will be the best time for you.

I sleep around 9–10 pm and get up every day around 6 am naturally. Some people find this time early to go…

