This Is How To Become The Main Character Of Your Life

A secret recipe that children hold

Letters from E.K.


Photo by cottonbro on Pexels

Unpopular opinion: When not careful, one can become the supporting character of their own lives

When we think of the main character of a story, one of the first things that come to mind is the sense of importance that differentiates them from a supporting character.

In our own lives, sometimes, we can lose this sense of importance.

Whether it is by getting caught up in judgments, expectations, or duties we can come to the point where we no longer see ourselves as the main character of our own story.

This can make someone feel like they are watching others live their lives while they are just in the passenger seat of their own.

So this brings the question: how one becomes the main character of their own life?

For that, there are 2 steps to follow, and these are:

1-Go back in time

2-Activate the transformation

How To Become The Main Character Of Your Life



Letters from E.K.

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