This is How to stay on track on your Fitness Goals for the rest of 2024

Raphael Madu - Fitness and Lifestyle Coach
Published in
4 min readMar 24, 2024
Photo by Ronnie Overgoor on Unsplash

Tell me if this is you:

At the beginning of the year, you made a promise to yourself that this would be the year that you committed to your fitness goals.

You had it all mapped out in your head.

From your diet to your workout routine, you were ready to conquer the year.

You had everything you needed to accomplish your goals.

The journey began.

And for the first couple of weeks, you were motivated. And sure, you weren’t seeing progress right away, but you knew it would pay off. You stick with it till the end of January, February rolls around. By now, you’re beginning to doubt the process. You aren’t seeing any visible signs of change.

“I’ve been doing everything right,” you tell yourself, but it doesn’t seem to be working. This is when most people would fall off and give up.

But not you though.

You kept going, and now you’re here.

By the time you read this, you may have given up, or at least had the idea of giving up. If this is you, read on, as I have 5 for sure ways to make sure you achieve your fitness goals this year.

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Be Realistic in your Expectations

This may be the one thing that might be holding you back from actually achieving your goals.

They are too unrealistic!

Not because it’s unachievable, but because the time frame you’ve given yourself to achieve your goal is too limited.

“People overestimate what they can do in 5 months, and underestimate what they can in 5 years” — Bill Gates

Here’s how we can make your goals more achievable:

  • Break it down: Break down your large goal into mini goals that are much more achievable i.e. instead of running 100 miles your first ever time running, you can break that goal down into months, by running 10 miles every month. You can break it down even more, and run 2.5 miles every week. It’s all about making the bigger goal look achievable.

It’s Your Fault

Another way of staying on top of your fitness goals is admitting to yourself that it’s your fault. It’s not the fault of your spouse, it’s not the fault of your children, it’s not the fault of your parents, it’s not the fault of your job.


By taking full accountability and responsibility for your actions, you put the power back in your hands. You can now use that newfound power to build the life of your dreams and accomplish the goals you have set. Understanding that blaming other people for the mishaps you may have in your life won’t bring you any closer to achieving your goals is the first step in actually achieving your goals.

Have a Well Defined and Structured Plan

“Anyone who fails to plan, plans to fail”

A proper, well-defined plan is the defining factor of whether you’ll achieve your goal or not. You mustn’t skip out on this part and invest in a well-tailored plan that suits you and your fitness goals.

Make the Process Fun

Make the journey enjoyable for yourself. If you hate working out and lifting weights, no wonder you’re considering not sticking to the plan. You have to find a way to make the process more enjoyable. You can do this by working out with a friend, setting mini goals (as stated earlier), or finding other forms of being active such as joining a running club, engaging in some form of Mixed Martial Arts, etc.

Be Patient with it

The Great Wall of China wasn’t built in a day…. like literally.

Nothing great was ever achieved in a single day. Your goals will take time to achieve, and the bigger the goal, the more time it will take to accomplish. If you stick with your detailed plan long enough, you will eventually reap the fruits of your labor.

If you never stop trying, if every day you stick to the plan, you will eventually achieve your fitness goals.

Staying on track to accomplish your fitness goals in 2024 is no easy task. There are reasons people fall off the plan, but not you tho.

You’re sticking to the plan and you’re making it work.

See you at the finish line champs!



Raphael Madu - Fitness and Lifestyle Coach

Fitness and Health Coach sharing knowledge and personal experiences in health and wellness.