This Is How You Can Boost Your Confidence In A Week

Tips To Love Yourself

Shareen Aqueel
3 min readJan 31, 2024


Photo by Annika Palmari on Unsplash

For as long as I can remember, I have been body-shamed. People have literally tried their hardest to make me feel bad about myself. You know, how this world just can’t see you being happy? And loving yourself? Even if you’re not doing any harm to them, people would body shame you as much as they can. They would put all their energy into bringing you down, and that’s exactly what people have done to me. To my younger self, who had once started to dislike herself simply because of what others had said. Just because some randoms made her believe that she was not worth it. However, as I have said before, I’m lowkey thankful to those people. You should be, too because believe it or not, they made you stronger, braver, and most importantly, purer.

If there is one thing I have learned in my 19 years of life, it is, that all you have is you. You’re your biggest friend, and you are the only person you need in life — to support you, to encourage you, to motivate you, to make you feel happy. You, you, and only you. So, while I was having an inner pity party all these years of my life, I questioned myself as to why I was not taking the, “You’re the only person you need in life” seriously? And obviously, I got no answer, and that’s when I knew. It was time to take this phrase as well as myself seriously.

I did! Yep, I did start taking myself seriously from that day on, and that was the best decision I have ever taken. If you’re wondering, How do I take myself seriously? Like what does that even mean? Wait up because that’s what I am here for, but the first thing you need to realize if you’re reading this right now is that it’s a sign. You’re not reading this blog for no reason. This universe or whatever wants you to know that you’re worth so much more than you can imagine. You’re the best, the kindest, the warmest person to exist.

Now let’s move on to the real question, How to boost your confidence? Well the answer is simple, take care of yourself. Physically, mentally, in every possible way. Just take care of yourself.

Read a book. Start doing skincare (this one helps me the most). Wear nice clothes. Dress up for no one but yourself. Use your favorite perfume while you’re alone instead of saving it up for a ‘special occasion’. Spend on yourself. Take a long, long breath. Start journaling — all your thoughts, your ideas, your complaints, everything. Drink as much water as you can. Start painting. Do what makes you happy. And not to forget, listen to no one but yourself. You owe this world nothing other than spreading happiness and joy. And yes! Start saying no. I can’t say this enough times but one thing that we forget to do just because “the other person is happy” even if we’re not comfortable doing it, is saying no. Do what you want to do, not what others want you to do because like I said, you owe this world nothing. Absolutely nothing and that’s what matters. You are what matters.



Shareen Aqueel

Avid reader with a knack for writing about food, books, movies & traveling.