of Naomi Knight (self) by Janine Fabre

This is ME …

It is ok to be yourself

Naomi Knight
Published in
5 min readMar 29, 2020


I have incandescent pink hair.

It isn’t a fad, nor is it a reactionary response to the patriarchy (although it would be a completely legitimate action).

But rather it is an external signal that I have, after four and half decades of hiding, chosen to lean into myself.

My story.
My experience.
My wisdom.
My curiosity.
My strength AND my vulnerability.

I finally decided that like Michelle Obama …

“I like my story”.

By any external measure, it would seem that I am a woman fully in charge of her life.

Becoming Myself

With a career spanning three decades, I have played diplomat in some of the world’s most dangerous war zones. Been a global advocate for vulnerable communities and actively continue contributing to solving wicked problems that are impacting sovereign societies, communities, families and…



Naomi Knight

Constantly striving for mastery in the art of kintsugi, Naomi is an expert alchemist skilled in transforming life lessons and professional challenges into gold.