Member-only story


This Is My Last Story on Medium Until the Algorithm Is Fairly Adjusted

Publishing on ILLUMINATION publications will be paused until this unfair issue for authentic writers finds an amicable solution.

Dr Mehmet Yildiz


Photo by cottonbro studio from Pexels

Dear Writers and Readers,

Two days ago, I published a heartfelt story with optimism, hoping to address what I initially thought was a temporary issue. Unfortunately, the situation turned out to be more complex and disappointing than I had imagined.

The unexpected response from Medium’s leadership shifted my optimism to disappointment. As an established writer and leader of a vibrant community, I did not anticipate being labeled as a spammer by a flawed algorithm. I have always considered myself a valuable contributor to the platform’s growth.

I was not alone in being labeled as a spammer by the faulty algorithm designed hastily, disadvantaging thousands of authentic voices and even increasing the spam rate more, contradicting what Scott said as they cloned him multiple times today. I felt sorry for him as I was cloned countless times and understood the psychological pain of being abused by scammers.

A significant and sudden decline in earnings in the last few days has affected thousands of authentic writers…



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