This is Not the Time to Watch Scary Movies

We Are Already Living in One

Maryam Ismail


Photo by Jen Theodore on Unsplash

We live in scary times. First, it was the pandemic, terrible images of it coming out of Wuhan, the mystery surrounding its origin, doctors and nurses clad in so much protective gear, the had to write the names on their backs, just to identify, and the dead dumped in mass graves. Haven’t we seen this before in Contagion? However, this time, it’s not a movie, it’s for real.

Angry anti-maskers have outlasted even the Black Lives Matter protests, but this had led to more infections and instead of recognizing this as health and safety issue, they have turned it into a civil rights issue. No, no, no, just take a trip to the hospital and see for yourself, those who are suffering and dying, this Coronavirus is no joke.

I have to admit I am wary of taking the Covid-19 vaccine because I have too many unanswered questions. Who has the best one? Can it really protect me against the disease? What are the side effects? With so many different vaccines, with various shelf-lives, and necessary storage conditions, who knows which is the best one to take and where it is to take it?

Looks like we need a vaccine shopping network, where each vaccine producer can extol the virtues of their product. Now that would be ultra-creepy, wouldn’t it? But, it would be a great…



Maryam Ismail

New School for Social Research Alum, MA in Sociology and Historical Studies.