This Is the Easiest Way To Get Your Audience To Buy From You

How to appeal to your audience’s emotions

Andikan David
2 min readJul 11, 2024


Photo by Dariusz Sankowski on Unsplash

You want this one thing:

Buyers. If you’re Building a business online especially if you’re building with the mentality that you’re going to make serious money from it.

But most people find it hard to convert People who are their Audience into buyers of their product. I had the same problem.

My newsletter

When I started my newsletter a while back, I struggled to get people on the newsletter.

I remember I used to wonder how the people who had 3000 newsletter subscribers did it and then you'd hear that they did it organically.
It really did feel like a very high feat for me because I had no clue what to do.

And coincidentally, around the same time I wasn't getting traction to my articles. I would have very little views and even with that, I'd get even smaller reads.

Everything changed when I changed how I was writing.
Before I used to write stuff that was pure value. Honestly, there’ve been times I’ve written articles and I’m like this is too good to flop but then it still will.
I realized that it wasn’t about the value I was giving, it was something else.

Be relatable

Have you ever heard two science people talking about something and then you seem so lost? I have, very many times.

We feel lost not because what is being said isn't valuable. We feel lost because what is being said isn't something we can relate with.

Humans are social beings and this nature of human beings affects our decision when it comes to Business as well.

If you want people to buy from you,they need to feel like you’re on the level that they can relate with you.
This doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t act like an authority it just means that you should be relatable.


One easy way of doing this is by telling stories. This is what happens when you tell a story: the person reading it understands that you’ve passed through a similar problem they have passed through.

The fact that you already went through something they’re struggling with, makes you the perfect teacher.
If someone accepts you as a teacher, chances are they’ll buy from you.

If you want your audience to buy from you, don't just provide raw value, be empathetic.

Make them feel like you understand their pains and that you can help them.



Andikan David

Founder & CEO | I'll teach you how to build a profitable one-person business | Get my FREE Beginner's Guide⬇️