This Is The Hidden Nectar Of The Greek Gods That Kept Them Always Young.

Take A Sip Of It Every Day, And You Will Be Forever Young.

Ahmadou DIALLO ✪


Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

At work, I changed jobs and joined a new team. And each time, the story is the same.

“I thought you just graduated from school.”

“You look so young.”

Well, indeed, I have a Tardis and have just jumped between jobs since I was 25 years old.

Do you want to know my secret?

Here is a partial answer: Blacks don’t crack!

…and also the Tardis!

I am 40 years old. I have two kids, 2 years and 4 months, as I am writing these lines.

My mind might try to dupe me into thinking that I am 25. My body reminds me that I am 40.

How come some people look and feel younger than their age?

How come other people feel like they just dropped their youth necklace like Melisandre in Game of Thrones?

Let us die young or let us live forever…”

From the pharaohs of ancient Egypt to the last person who will be born on this…



Ahmadou DIALLO ✪

🏆 Top Medium Writer in Ideas. I am a professional storyteller who can help you share your stories. Find out more here: