This Is the Most Valuable Commodity in the World

Why time is the ultimate equalizer

Anton Lex


Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

Time is scarce

We all have hourglasses with finite amounts of sand. The same 24 hours every day. Time is precious because we don’t know how much in total we have across our entire lifetimes.

Hopefully, we all live long, happy lives.

But this pandemic has shown us that nothing is predictable. Expect the unexpected. Besides disease, we must consider potential causes of death like natural disasters, accidents, and terrorism.

We sleep through one-third of life. That’s what we’re supposed to do. Getting eight hours of sleep every day means that we are unconscious for 33 years if we reach the magical milestone of age 99.

33 years gone, just like that. A lot of us aren’t fortunate enough to get a full night’s sleep every day. Life gets in the way. But sleeping less than eight hours decreases life expectancy.

Yet, we can’t live every day like it’s our last. This wouldn’t work. Imagine living under the pretense of a nonexistent future. Setting goals would become meaningless. We wouldn’t bother with work and other mundane things associated with daily life. Instead, we would try to get our affairs in order.

Time is bought and

