This Is the New Digital Frontier for Writers

A new revenue stream for anyone who types words online

Ryan Porter


Image by Dushawn Jovic on Unsplash

Anyone can sit behind a screen and type.

That’s because it doesn’t require much energy:

  • You twiddle your fingers around
  • You don’t have to go outside
  • It costs $0 to do

Heck, I do it, and I love it. Writing is a form of self-care and expression, and I’m glad I picked it up 3+ years ago.

But the problem is that low-energy effort gets you low reach online.

Some writers have amassed massive followings from writing online alone.

But writers like Dan Koe, Nicolas Cole, and Dickie Bush saw this trend and invested heavily in it before anyone had a chance to blink.

They invested in a new digital frontier for writers — the obvious next step.

And there’s still time to win in the digital age because 95% still haven’t joined in.

Because we live in an economy with a short attention span.

Creators like you and me need to go the extra mile to get the reach we want.

It’s why posting video content is the future for writers on every platform.



Ryan Porter

I manage an $8-figure media team across 3 brands — I’ll help you make videos so you can grow yours. Join 500+ creators