This Is The Only Territory You Need To Conquer To Conquer Yourself.

3. A Territory Claimed Alone

Ahmadou DIALLO ✪


Man conquers the world by conquering himself.

Zeno of Citium

What is the last territory you conquered?

Are you holding the reins to your life?

What are the proper steps to conquering from within?

Growing up, I learned how little I know about what I don’t know.

Each time I feel like I have conquered it, it sleeps through my fingers like the tide at the beach.

Relentlessly, I start over again.

The territory of my youth, I have conquered. Well, at least, this is what I thought.

Then I went back to Dakar, Senegal, back in 2020.

My soul became brittle as I put my foot back in my birth soil.

After 20 years, a lot of things have changed.

Most of the changes were constant in being the same after all those years.

I thought I conquered being a human.

As I turned 40, blessed with fatherhood, I discovered that I am still far from conquering what it is to be a true leader, a father of everyday life.



Ahmadou DIALLO ✪

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