This is what true freedom looks like

Happiness & freedom is exclusively internal, with a disregard for external circumstances.

Lashon Byrd
Published in
4 min readJan 15, 2024


Photo by Raimond Klavins on Unsplash

Freedom is only available to the wise, the majority of people are slaves and fools -Zeno

What did Zeno mean by this? To the stoics, and many philosophers, freedom wasn’t tied into legal status, external circumstances or approval, but rather an individual’s ability to choose their attitudes, thoughts, and actions in response to their circumstances. Most things in life are out of your control, and very seldom can you directly control these circumstances, but you can control how you respond and that’s what matters. Here are a few examples.

Alex, the man who can’t drive

Alex has epilepsy, so he is not legally allowed to drive and even if he somehow was, I don’t think he’d want to. What is Alex to do?

Alex decides to explore alternative modes of transportation, such as public transit, cycling, or walking. Alex views these options as opportunities to connect with his surroundings and embrace a slower, more mindful pace of travel. By doing so, Alex discovers new routes, hidden gems, and forms of transportation that they may not have considered otherwise.

