Building Medium Trust

What You Must Never Do On Medium!

There Are Certain Things You Must Never Do On Medium!

Deon Christie
Published in
9 min readNov 7, 2023


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This Is What You Must Never Do On Medium Or Anywhere Else
The image was designed with Canva and uploaded in PNG file format by Deon Christie. The author assumes responsibility for the provenance and copyright. The author assumes responsibility for the authenticity.

What you will learn from this Medium article.

What you must never do on Medium introduction.

What you must never do with your Medium bio.

Never do this on Medium if you want to gain trust.

Difference between Medium about page and profile bio.

Conclusion of what you must never do on Medium.

Free affiliate marketing stuff for our Medium subscribers!

What you must never do on Medium introduction.

Be a problem solver, not a salesman, that’s what you must never do on Medium or anywhere else for that matter. Learn to promote, without promotion, to stand out without pretending. But what you must never do, is to be on Medium primarily to “generate sales” Monetary gain is not the goal, trust and recognition are.

Many Mediummarketers” are under the “profitable” illusion spell. That is precisely what you must never do on Medium. Your Medium profile is not a sales page, it’s your opportunity to 1, introduce yourself, and 2, prove to your readers through knowledge and unique content that you are who you say you are on Medium.

But more importantly, solve your Medium reader’s problems based on an identified need. What you must do on Medium is master the art of elegantly offering a solution to problems, answers to questions, and guides. When your content solves problems and attracts attention. Then trust is gained, and sales will follow shortly.

Not enough exclamation can be placed on the fact to always be humble and kind. Being rude is part of what you must never do on Medium. People are complex and emotional creatures (perhaps not all of us), but they will always remember how you made them feel. Nasty comments for instance must not flame or amplify rage.

Always respond with intelligence and in a way that a gentleman or lady would, just “prove them wrong”. In that you will always give advice, even to those who “don’t like you”, and soon you will be needing new haters. Because the old ones would have become kin. Pay attention in this article to what you must never do on Medium.

From an affiliate marketing point of view, what you must never do on Medium is spamming. But what is generally considered spam? Good question because we also had to look it up (with English as our second language). The following list of activities will be considered spam to the best of our understanding.

Duplicate Messages To Multiple Recipients (Automated Posting).

Personal Over Promotion (Personal Details).

Unsolicited Messages (Emails, Text Messages, Online Postings).

Spamming, however, might even lead to legal action consequences, as is stated in the “Cambridge Dictionary”. They also wrote an excellent blog post about spamming, and it will give you a pretty good idea about what is considered spam. They place exclamation on the fact that spamming has already led to several high-profile court cases in the US.

The blog post, “Spamming” in our opinion is a must-read for anyone to get a better understanding. Among other factors mentioned, spamming is also what you must never do on Medium. Professionals don’t spam on Medium, and true professionals will never shove their products in your face on Medium, or anywhere else for that matter.

What you must never do with your Medium bio.

Your Medium bio is the summarised profile display with your profile photo. Located in the right-hand side widget area of your home page at the top. What you must never do on your Medium profile bio is to include personal contact details. Like email addresses and phone numbers, etc. Below are 3 things that you must never do on Medium with your bio.

Personal Contact Details.

Sales Pitches.

Using Clickbait.

Affiliate Link Placement.

Suggesting incentives, sales prompts or even clickbait is exactly what not to do with your Medium profile bio section. Doing this, especially with a faceless or incomplete profile will get you nowhere. Not to mention this “thing” with cloaked affiliate links. We know, many YouTube tutorials from “experts” and “professionals” might suggest otherwise.

Most of those so-called “instructional” videos are made only to gain views but do not offer you much value. Because the creator gets paid for display ads on their videos, be careful who you trust. You offer no incentives, sales prompts, or clickbait in your bio.

What you must do with your Medium profile bio, is to summarise your interest and field of knowledge. You can, however, include in the bio section, a “link to a domain you own”. Like your own blog or website because that is more professional. Your Medium bio is supposed to make your reader want to read your Medium “About” page.

But you only have 160 characters to use with your Medium profile bio, so be descriptive, direct, and conclusive. What exactly is clickbait then? Clickbait is content with the primary purpose of attracting attention to and encouraging visitors to click a link. It is a well-known and widely used marketing strategy. But not with your Medium bio.

Never do this on Medium if you want to gain trust.

Commenting and engagement are paramount to your growth on Medium. But what you must never do on Medium is perceive comments and engagement as “sales” or “promotional” opportunities. Comments are meant to build trust and recognition, that is the purpose. Often one gets those comments with links, phone numbers, and email addresses.

Contact me for a money opportunity!”, really? Most times these desperate attempts at sales are made on articles with absolutely no relevance. We also have the “frantic clappers”, don’t clap for the sake of clapping. When you do, you want to leave a comment and read the Medium article. Avoid doing the below mentioned on Medium.

Personal Details In Comments.

Links In Comments (Especially Affiliate Links).

Private Messages With Opportunities.

Clapping For No Reason.

Using Click Bait.

Be objectively responsive! Don’t abuse “Private Messages” and confuse them with opportunities. The purpose of private messages is to offer written advice or suggestions, not generate sales or attract leads. You never put links in comments for the purpose of generating sales or any promotional purpose.

Like affiliate products or landing pages and bridge pages. If you want to build trust and recognition, then your content and its ability to solve problems must do the talking. When it does, then you get profile visits that most likely visit your blog. From where you are promoting your affiliate products. That is how affiliate marketing “works”.

That is why a professional profile is so important, will you visit a link from a faceless incomplete Medium profile? Of course not, right? There are ways to make money with affiliate marketing and Medium writing. We have covered that several times in other Medium articles. Therefore, you might want to scroll through our home page feed.

Difference between Medium about page and profile bio.

Your Medium profile is the “Bio” part when you click on “Edit Profile” in the right-hand side widget area of your Medium home page. The profile bio section, as mentioned earlier, allows for only 160 characters. What you must never do on Medium is to include personal details in the “Bio” profile “snippet”. That is what the Medium “About” page is for.

Editing your professional Medium profile and adding your “About” page is done by clicking on the 3 dots (Next to your Medium title under the cover image). Completing a professional Medium profile means you want to structure your content. You might want to focus on the three suggestions listed below.

Personal Details On About Page.

Professionally Completed Profile.

Short Profile Bio Introduction Snippet.

Personal details like emails can be placed on the Medium “About” page. This is where you introduce your work, and experience without any advertising. It is where you introduce yourself, tell your readers about your journey, relate to them, and mention your failures. Introduce yourself as if you’re in a job interview. 4 Things are important.

Profile Photo (500p X 500p PNG Showing Your Face).

Cover Image (1200p x 300p PNG).

Profile Bio (Blog URL).

About Page (Contact Details And Introduction).

What you must never do on Medium is try building reputation and trust with a faceless incomplete profile. Above are the 4 areas that will require completion, you can use Canva to design any images, and download them in any format. We do, however, suggest the PNG or GIF image format for Medium. There is an available guide on how to use GIF images.

On your Medium “About” page you can also share links to your other networking profiles. That is the only place your readers must be able to contact you, from your Medium “About” page. Unless you have your own hosted blog and share it in your Medium profile bio. In this case, your readers should then be able to contact you through your blog.

Conclusion of what you must never do on Medium.

Stop trying to clickbait people with comments, private messages, and emails. That is not how Medium article writing works. What you must never do on Medium is outlined in this article. When you make use of these strategies, especially with a faceless profile. You are sending only one message, “I have no idea what I’m doing!”.

Avoid Being An Incomplete Faceless Profile.

Never Share Links In Comments.

Avoid Using Clickbait With Profiles And Bios.

Do Not Use Private Messages For Leads.

But why do we say this? Because we did the same thing once as beginners, being told by so-called “professionals” that it is acceptable to do that. Today we know, it is not! If you want to make money with affiliate marketing on Medium, then you need to understand how it works.

Using these tactics mentioned in this article is how you will NEVER make money on Medium. That is precisely what you must never do on Medium, or in our opinion, on any other site for that matter. Generating sales online with affiliate marketing is an art, not a contest, and sales are generated through strategy, not desperation.

If you found this Medium story helpful, kindly let us know in the comments. We would love to hear your opinion. Do you agree that these are among the things you must never do on Medium? Do you struggle with driving traffic, generating sales, creating content, or writing? Did you know about things you must never do on Medium?

If you need help with anything, we speak “Medium” and “Writing” rather fluently, so feel free to reach out any time. With that, our “What You Must Never Do On Medium!” story on Medium is concluded. And now you know what you must never do on Medium or any other related sites for that matter. Please, just never do this on Medium.

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Deon Christie

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