This Is Why You Don’t Succeed

But we all know this already, right?

Ephraim Champion


If Medium could show you the reading time for articles in seconds, then this would be one of them.

The answer is so simple that it doesn’t need an explanation:

The reason why you don’t succeed is a reason you already know about.

Maybe it’s because you fail to be consistent, fail to preserve, fail to attempt, fail to believe you are capable in the first place.

Whatever the reason may be (and it could be many), you know what it is.

I won’t insult your intelligence by laying out all the possible reasons like success is some complex algorithm that few are born with to decipher.

If you think success is beyond you, maybe that’s the reason you don’t succeed.

Stop taking life so seriously; stop feeling sorry for yourself; stop thinking that success is some “miraculous” happenstance; believe you can, and for your sake: try.



Ephraim Champion

Storyteller & experience-creator via music or words. Igniting creativity on your artistic journey w/ practical tips & inspiration. True self-care starts here.