This is Why You Find Your Morning Routine Difficult

8 things you need to stop doing if you want your morning routine to work.

Ria Tagulinao


Photo by alan KO on Unsplash

Over the quarantine, I made it my mission to establish a solid morning ritual after months of being stuck in a rut. I had just gotten out of a rotten place and it was high time I get my shit together.

Yeah, world, I know you’re falling apart. But I’m way ahead of you.

Enter my self-care journey. My soul was reawakened to see the joy in the little things, with the biggest little thing as waking up early.

After months of reading tips, understanding habits, experimenting on these strategies, and embedding them into my daily life, allow me to humbly brag this kick-ass morning routine:

5:00–5:10 Wake up & do a 10-min stretch

5:10–5:20 Open the curtains, drink 250ml water, and make my bed

5:20–5:50 Write in my journal

5:50–6:00 Wash my face

6:00–6:15 Duolingo



Ria Tagulinao

Fun-sized Filipina Writer | To stay up-to-date with my work, here's my Sunday newsletter: