This is Why You Will Never Be Successful. Sincerely, Your Mental Health Counselor.

Waiting for motivation to quit the bottle, initiate healthy habits, and successfully run a triathlon is like waiting for your father to come back with the milk…

Andrea Duran


Photo Credit: PaulWhitePlaytowin on

Everyone has excuses as to why they’re not succeeding in reaching their goals and maintaining healthy, effective habits towards success.

Working in addiction and mental health, I’ve realized that everyone is an addict, addicted to something. Everyone makes excuses to continue addictive behaviors while waiting for external forces of motivation like organ failure or an overdrawn bank account to start eating healthy and budgeting.

Most of us are waiting for some mythical motivation fairy to come and sprinkle them with sugary, amphetamine-like motivation that will change our habits and lead us to success.

We are not succeeding because everyone is too focused on instant gratification through temporary goals.

Once we lose weight and hit 90 days of sobriety, we go back to guzzling down the salt on fried potato skins and snorting crystal meth off of a bowie knife.



Andrea Duran

Writer | Self-Development | Mental Health | Addiction | Fiction | B.A. Eng/Pysch | Addiction Counselor | Certified Hot Mess |