This Story Just In…

I was watching the news this morning.


Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

Well, I did it again. I turned on the TV news this morning.

The first story I saw was one revealing why peoples’ heat bills were so high this year.

The story cut away to a field reporter in front of our local electrical/gas co-op, a remote perfect for the photo-op, even though it was still closed at that time of day.

The story caught my attention for this reason.

Just a short while ago I wrote a story that may have made a reader or two mad at me because I suggested that, as for me, and my style of writing…

“But ask me to create regarding a topic new to me, and I would have to do some research or double up on the imagination.”

Imagination??? In a non-fiction piece??? What a goose this Don Martin must be!


After the fact, I realized that it is entirely possible some did not realize my tongue was firmly planted in my cheek.

Yet this morning on television, this reporter helped us understand that the reason for our higher heat bills was that in, addition to the cost of gas going up, the weather had been cold.

Now I am confused as to whether that report was the product of research or…



Don Martin, real-life writer, author, journalist.

If I had a dime for every time I didn't know what was going on, I'd be asking, "Where's all this money coming from?" ⭐