This King is Called a Wise Fool. Can You Guess What He Did to Earn this Tag?

Is he the most terrible innovator?

Aravind Balakrishnan


photo credit: history of exam

Muhammad Bin Tughluq, once the Sultan of Delhi, ruled many parts of northern and central India from 1324 to 1351 AD.

He had a keen interest in astrology, medicine, and mastery over several languages. Despite all his achievements in other fields, the king is tagged as a ‘wise fool’.

What could he have possibly done to deserve an oxymoron like that?

Well, the attributes don’t stop at ‘wise fool.’ Here is what Stanley Lane-Poole, a British archeologist said about Muhammad Bin Tughluq:

“With the best intentions, excellent ideas, but no balance or patience, no sense of proportion, Muhammad Tughluq was a transcendent failure”.

Surely the Delhi Sultan must have done something terrible to be called such names. Let’s look at some of his terrible decisions.

The stupidest shift ever?

Muhammad Bin Tughluq once had an interesting idea: to shift his capital from Delhi to Daulatabad, a place currently in the Indian state of Maharashtra.



Aravind Balakrishnan

Introvert or Shy? Not sure. Bibliophile or Cine-buff? Both. Nethead or Story-writer? Still dunno. All I know is I want to write to live and I live to write.