This Might Sound Controversial

But it will help you face your excuses as a video creator

Ryan Porter


Screenshot provided by the author

This post isn’t about an orange man or why matcha beats coffee.

But it might change your mind about filming videos.

Most of you don’t want to post videos. I get that.

But filming is less about the act of filming. It’s why you do it.

And I’ve noticed something about the most viral video creators over the last 365 days.

I posted my thoughts about it on X yesterday and caused a ruckus.

Okay…here it is…

You can film yourself talking on your phone and go viral.

It sounds stupid and simple, but people do it all the time.

And there’s one underlooked reason why they get away with it.

Like this yoga TikTok account I follow.

Yes, I followed a woman talking and doing stretches on a mat.

In fact, I smashed the follow button because I could feel this oozing from her content.

It’s what some creators who only talk about growth are after but can never grasp.

Because it’s not something one is supposed to understand.



Ryan Porter

I manage an $8-figure media team across 3 brands — I’ll help you make videos so you can grow yours. Join 500+ creators