This Online Teacher Makes Millions of Dollars on Pornhub — Fully-Clothed

Play Hard, Study Hard.

Kristina God, MBA


This Online Teacher Makes Millions of Dollars on Pornhub — Fully-Clothed
Photo 181855512 © Chakrapong Worathat |

The online teaching market is highly competitive.

There are millions of online courses.

The other day, a marketing friend told me about THE marketing platform that will set you apart:


No, I’m not kidding.

Read on to learn more about this smart trick.

To attract potential students maths teacher Chang from Taiwan made use of the adult video platform Pornhub.

His target group is male college students.

His smart and unusual marketing strategy is …

to do “special things in special places.”

He knew that male college students tend to watch adult content on Pornhub.

That’s why he began uploading his free educational maths videos to the platform.

Potential students who spotted his free lessons ended up enrolling in his paid classes.



Kristina God, MBA

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