This Pin Can Answer All your Questions

The Awesome “Humane AI Pin”

Jo Granger
2 min readApr 26, 2024


Do you know that there is a pin that you just wear on your shirt and it can answer all of your questions at any time.


You just have to press the pin, ask anything out loud, and the pin will answer like an AI assistant!

It can also project the answer onto your hand! How cool is that?

How does it work?

When you ask a question, the pin sends the data over to the cloud to process it and then it responds to your questions.

By holding out your hand it can trigger a laser projector that can project on to the hand you are holding out!


By changing the orientation of your hand you can choose the options.

For clicking, you have to join your thumb with your index finger and let go immediately.

To go back to main menu you can close your hand and then open it up again.

To disable the projector just put your hand back and it will stop projecting.

Isn’t it like those AI gadgets we used to see in Sci-fi movies in our childhood?

Another Cool Function

This pin has a camera with which it can identify any plant, or products like a network adapter.

The Most Important Part: Price

If we talk about the price, its starting price is $699 with an additional fee of $25 per month for internet access!


The price is really the worst because who can even pay $25 every month to do the tasks that your smartphone can do easily without even having a plan of it’s own.

Is It Worth It?

I would say that buying the pin is not really worth the price and those tasks can be done by using your phone faster and being easier than this pin!

So can it really replace your smartphone?
What do you think? Tell me in the comments!



Jo Granger

Student | Bibliophile | Potterhead | The Cool Nerd