This Profitable Side Hustle Trend Is on the Rise

The pros and cons of service shipping

Kristina Segarra


Photo by Daria Mamont on Unsplash

Side hustles are a great way to make extra money on the side.

Since the pandemic, many people have picked up new side hustles as a way to earn extra income.

You’ve probably heard of many ways to earn online, such as through Uber and Doordash.

But there’s yet another popular trend that has been gaining some steam lately. And that is service shipping.

Service shipping involves reselling any type of service through a middle man.

For example, a customer may request a service — content writing or editing, marketing, or graphic design. They purchase a service and then the person who acts as a middle man hires another person to provide that service, but for a lower price than the customer paid. This way, the servicer generates a profit for themselves.

Pros and cons of service shipping

The pros are that a person outsourcing the service can make a profit if they’re successful at finding cheap service and then taking the percentage of the difference between what the client pays for it and what the person actually charges for the service.



Kristina Segarra

Freelance health/wellness/self-improvement writer, musician, mom of two boys. Join my newsletter: