This Store Makes $2,700,000/Month — How You Can Duplicate Their Business Formula In 3 Steps

Published in
5 min readNov 7, 2023

This blog will look at the tactics used by profitable company HigherDose, which brings in an astounding $2.7 million a month. The blog offers an in-depth plan for replicating their success, assisting you in starting an online business that makes money. However, like all business, it takes time and may not get results instantly, but you should still keep going.


Have you ever questioned how certain companies bring in an incredible $2.7 million per month? I’ll take you on a journey to discover the strategies that led to their success in this blog post, and I’ll also provide you a clear blueprint for doing the same. Today’s case study is HigherDose, a flourishing business that sells wellness and infrared items. These three easy steps will help you get started on your own journey to building a successful online business.

Screenshot From Microsoft Bing Taken By Me Of Higherdose Revenue Earning ( — Screenshot Made for Context Explaining Purposes

Step 1: Finding the Suppliers

The internet success story we’re looking at, HigherDose, sources its goods from different producers. Finding these providers is the first step in starting your quest to achieve a similar level of success. Click ImportYeti and enter “HigherDose.” A list of manufacturers, including those in China and other countries where HigherDose imports its goods, will be generated by this useful application.

Making an extensive list of these suppliers is your objective here. Recognising your sources is a critical first step towards duplicating HigherDose’s business model’s success.

Photo by Andy Li on Unsplash

Step 2: Building Your Website

After locating the providers, it’s time to create an online presence. Start by going to and opening a complimentary account. Shopify is renowned for its intuitive platform, which simplifies the process of creating an e-commerce website.

The true secret to approaching HigherDose’s formula for success, though, is right here. Go to and input the URL for HigherDose. This will provide you a detailed analysis of all the different software and technologies they utilise, as well as their full tech stack. Your internet business will have a solid basis if you imitate their tech stack. Note: This is just one example of how you could create a decent Shopify store; there are many other options as well.

Screenshot Taken From ( Technology Profile ( taken by me showing Website Techs Of — Screenshot Made for Context Explaining Purposes

Step 3: Examining the Sources of Their Traffic

The capacity of HigherDose to draw sizable internet traffic is a crucial component of its success story. It’s critical to comprehend the sources of their website traffic if you want to duplicate their success. Go to and type “” This effective tool will analyse their traffic sources and provide percentage-based insights into the origins and methods of their traffic generation.

Understanding HigherDose’s methods of drawing visitors will let you copy and modify them for your own business. This is a crucial stage in efficiently growing your web business.

Photo by Anete Lūsiņa on Unsplash

Here are 5 methods to boost revenue and entice more customers to purchase products from your Shopify store:

1. Enhance Product Listings: Provide attractive product descriptions and excellent photos. Utilise compelling imagery and content to highlight the special qualities and advantages of your items.

2. Use Upselling and Cross-Selling: Persuade clients to make larger purchases by recommending upsells or complementing items when they are checking out.

3. Make Use of Email Marketing: Create and keep an email database of clients and potential clients. To increase sales, send targeted email campaigns with newsletters, special offers, and reminders about abandoned carts.

4. Make Use of Social Proof: Make sure your website prominently features client reviews, ratings, and testimonials. Sales can be boosted by positive reviews and social evidence.

5. Make Time-Limited Offers: Make the most of urgency and scarcity. To encourage quick purchases, advertise limited-edition goods, time-only discounts, or special offers.

6. Provide Rewards and Discounts: Create a loyalty programme or give recurring clients discounts. Use unique incentives to promote client retention and referrals.

7. Examine Sales Data: Continually examine your sales data to pinpoint high-converting traffic sources, best-selling products, and consumer behaviour. Make educated judgements and modifications by using this data.

Photo by Ryoji Iwata on Unsplash

Here are the top 5 strategies to boost sales dramatically and entice more customers to purchase goods from your Shopify store:

1. Product Pages — Optimised For Conversions:

Create product pages with conversion as your primary goal in mind. Reducing friction and increasing sales may be achieved by utilising clear CTAs, compelling product descriptions, high-quality photos, and a simplified checkout procedure.

2. Cross-selling and Upselling:

Put upselling and cross-selling tactics to good use. Make recommendations for upgrades or complimentary items to increase average order value and give customers something extra.

3. Client References and Trust:

Gain and keep customers’ trust by prominently showcasing real reviews and ratings. Positive comments boost credibility and have the potential to increase sales.

4. Abandoned Cart Recovery: Implement an automatic email reminder system to remind clients of the things they still haven’t bought. Provide rewards to encourage them to finish the transaction.

5. Customised Suggestions: Utilise client information to provide customised product suggestions. Customise the purchasing process to each customer’s preferences to boost conversion rates.#

Photo by Luke Chesser on Unsplash

Conclusion: Scaling Your Brand

Through the effective execution of these three processes, you will be well on your way to creating a profitable internet business. You’ve located vendors, developed a solid website with a comparable tech stack, and learned more about the sources of their traffic.

Recall that although these actions offer a solid basis, creating a successful company needs commitment, creativity, and hard work. With the appropriate information and approach, you may make significant progress towards being the next $2.7 million monthly success story.

Photo by Ben Kolde on Unsplash




I write about Making Money Online, Reaching Financial Freedom, Personal Finance and I share my stories of how I earnt thousands and how others can too.