This Will Make You More Successful Than Your Technical Skills

Published in
2 min readJul 22, 2024
a chess board with pawn and kind having a right mindset
Photo by VD Photography on Unsplash

Do you know what’s more important than your technical skill? …


Mindset is the game changer in life. Having technical skills without the right mindset reduces your chances of success in life.

But if you’re good at mindset and poor at technical skills, there are high chances of becoming successful.

Having the right mindset is most important in life.

Let’s begin!

Unlock Your Greatness

You’re a 1 in 8 billion.

First, you should know that you’re unique. No one has your emotions. No one can’t think, the way you think.

  • I don’t know anything.
  • I’m not good at this, that.
  • I don’t have any skills.

Can you resonate with any of the above?

Hear me out!

These are lack of knowledge and imposter syndrome. But in reality, you have a lot to say about the world.

Don’t think you should be an expert or successful person to share. Think about.

  • what you’ve tried?
  • what do you love to do?
  • who do you want to become?

Whether you have success or failure.

  • If you’ve failed. Share what went wrong.
  • If you’ve succeeded. Share what helped you.
  • Did you learn a lesson from your mistakes? Share it.

There is always something to share. You don’t see them. Or you might think it’s not worthwhile to share. Don’t fool yourself. What you think is not worthy to share might change one’s life completely. Don’t think about 1000 people. Think about one person who’s on another side of the earth. Who’s waiting for your words?

Leave it up to the people to decide. Your job is to get things done out of your mind. The Internet gives the same opportunity to everyone. Make the most of it.

This obstacle is the ultimate challenge to conquer if you are determined to achieve success in life.

Don’t quit. Quilters are not winners. Winners never quit.

What’s holding you back from unlocking your true potential? Drop your thoughts in the comments.

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Enjoy reading! Greatness awaits!




Writing about copywriting for beginners, writing online and personal development and productivity tips. No fluff. No bull-shit! Straight to the point.