Those Lines Are Beautiful

Musical notes stamped on your skin



Photo by Monika Kozub on Unsplash

Those lines across your skin
In your eyes, undesirable streaks
See those indentations as symbols
Notes on a music sheet
Learn how to play each one
Make your body an instrument
Those streaks become piano keys
Strategically placed
Creating a unique melody
Highlighting your beauty
Let each note shine
Don’t cover it; embrace each harmony
Familiarize yourself with the instruments that you carry daily
Don’t you know that you’re a walking symphony!
They are not flaws
At first, it may seem strange
So were the letters of the alphabet at an early age
You are learning your body’s musical language
Find someone who loves them as much as you
Their touch and grip
Will produce music that you could never imagine
That first love must come from you
Those aren’t ugly lines
They are a form of natural art on your skin
Musical sounds waiting to be unleashed




Enjoys writing poetry but also creative fiction and nonfictional pieces! Creativity bleeds through me and that includes art!