Thoughts on Dreaming Big…

…and why you should.

Ephraim Champion


No step is too hard to climb…

I have come to terms with the fact that not everyone wants to live a life that I intend to live, and that’s okay.

I’m not (or no longer) a proponent of imposing my beliefs on others about how they should live their life. I can only offer some insight, and what I have been dying to talk about is


Most people agree with this basic, cliche life advice. Many tell you that the higher you aim, the higher you will “end up” as opposed to shooting lower and aiming lower.

Yet, there are a few problems I have with this. Now, I’m not against this advice at all; I am all in for big dreaming. But I think some people go about it wrong, and I have been going about it wrong.

A few mindset shifts we should make…

Please, know this:

1) No one cares…

2)…expect nothing…

3) …no one will help you, and…

4) …you talk too much.

Sound pessimistic?

Yeah, I hate pessimism too.



Ephraim Champion

Storyteller & experience-creator via music or words. Igniting creativity on your artistic journey w/ practical tips & inspiration. True self-care starts here.