Thousands Die Unidentified

What is their name? Who cries for them?

Rita Duponty


Photo by Forrest Smith on Unsplash

According to NaMus (National Missing and Unidentified Persons System),
every year in the United States there are 600,000 missing persons. Although many are located and found alive, tens of thousands still remain missing for more than one year.

It is also estimated according to NaMus that 4,400 unidentified bodies are found per year. Of these, all but about 1,000 remain unidentified for more than one year.

When I read these statistics it was heartbreaking.

How does this happen in a society that is so technically connected?
It is because we are not people-connected.

When living in Key West I personally was acquainted with many of the homeless that lived there. Through their acquaintance and from reading what other social workers have commented on, there are reasons people fall through the cracks of society. What are they?

Off the Grid
Many of the homeless choose to go off the grid, with little or no identification. Some have had problems with law enforcement and addiction. Others, for personal reasons, cut all ties of any family past or present. Many with addictions, give up on society and themselves, walking away from everything. Suffering from guilt…

